Return of the wanderer

I know it has been a long time since I last posted, aproximately 9 and a half months to be more precise. After I moved to the UK and started university it seems that I got so caught up in the web of my new life that my writing has been trapped in it as well. So many interesting and exciting things have happened, so many lovely people have come into my life and, still, I have not written about them. This post is also due to a new but very good friend of mine with which I was talking last night. It is funny how people can make you remember things you have forgot about even if you enjoyed them so much. I think I will fast forward through the past months and try to highlight some of the most interesting and important things that have happened in my life. It begins with: OCTOBER- Soon after I stopped writing I found myself with a work permit, on my dad's birthday, 10th October, and 4 days after I was happily employed at the Bear, a very nice inn just outside Oxford, where I have ...