Day 9- 31/08/13 Freshers' party, shopping and Starbucks in Delhi!
Today was a lie in day, I got up at 8 to get to the freshers' party at Maitreyi college which was supposed to be one of the best college in Delhi University. We got there at 10 and the whole courtyard was transformed into an enormous tent with a huge stage for the Miss Maitreyi contest to take place! The girls were gorgeous, smart and very talented so I can only imagine how hard it was to choose a winner. There were 21 contestants and all of them are amazing girls that will probably have the best time of their life in this college. We had our pictures taken and hanged out with our buddies from uni that are now already our friends and we plan to visit each other in the future. Our UK team also had some talented representatives that entertained the public with their talents and I have some funny videos of their impromptu fashion show and dance acts. After we finished at the college, we came back and we went shopping, however I visited 3 markets, Jan Path, Shankar and Palika, bec...