Go study India! Day 1- 23/08/13

I first became in love with India when I was back home,through the novels of a great religion historian, Mircea Eliade. He was also a writer and in his novels he portrayed this magical land he had adored and all the its beauties, it was India.

Further on, I understood through history lectures that during the 20th century it had been given a name worth of its treasures, the Pearl of the British Empire.

My journey to, through and from India does not begin in a port,like it did for the beforementioned author, but in an airport. As soon as I left the bus,faith made it so happen that a talented young gentleman from Seattle would tag along in the search for terminal 4 and, as we lost each other during check-in, faith reunited us again when we realized we were queing besides each other at the coffee shop.

We spent an enjoyable 3 hours together,keeping us entertained and discussing politics, music, media and journalism among others, and knowing that one day we will meet again either in the US or Europe, as Facebook will be able to make it happen quite easily.

The flight itself was long but enjoyable and certainly not as unpleasant as I dreaded. I will land at 1 AM in India, and that is when the real adventure will begin. Until then I will enjoy the company of a good book and good tunes.

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