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Even longer without an update, cannot believe it has been a year and a half from my last post and loads happened!

Last time I posted was about a year and a half ago, the panic with not finding my wallet and passport ended the following Monday, as it was given in at the police station and I managed to get it back.

I spent an amazing month in Glasgow, went to the Edinburgh festival and then followed 6 tiring weeks of training in London, but I got to see one of my very best and old friends that moved to London and was living a couple of streets away. So silver linings and all that :)

Then followed a new start in Bournemouth, a very small and quiet city at the edge of the Atlantic ocean, on the English south coast. I have quickly got accustomed to the life here and I even have a Romanian shop down the corner, for those moments when I miss home too much! There are lots of things to do and beautiful places around the city, including Devon that is only a couple of hours away, so I am very happy where I am, most times. I still get itchy feet and during the past year and a bit probably marked over 10-15 flights.

Work is amazing and I get to learn more and more each day, so very happy, even considering a part time master in computer science, who would have thought! I have had a little tour around Europe in the past year, coming home quite often to Romania, seeing Barcelona again as I missed it a lot, going to Frankfurt to see friends on my way home and then spending my 25th birthday in Venice, in the snow!

I am now writing again from Romania, it seems like I always get my inspiration when I am here, after a couple of days in the mountains, visiting Sibiu and the little villages and castles along the way. I missed home but I feel as if I am missing travelling as well, maybe south of Spain next month before coming back home, and have an itch for Canada and Japan that I need to scratch.

Life is leisurely flowing at it's own pace and I am just trying to keep up with it's rhythm, also the weather isn't helping going from -15C to +25C in a matter of weeks, but oh well, spring is finally here!

Until next time, love and light, and much needed rest!

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