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Third day in Zambia-Fashion and going to the market

This is my third day in Zambia and I am settling down in a nice routine, I am now feeling very much at home and in the past two days I have started to learn a bit more about this wonderful place.

I have realised that most families, as in India, have maids and that it is common practice. I must admit that I still feel uncomfortable but am trying to adapt as well as I can as I know that this is how they earn their living. I do try to clean up after our meals and do things myself but find it that I feel embarassed and awkward in telling them that I don't mind.

A similar situation happened today, when we were in the market, and the boy we hired to help us carry the groceries wasn't able to get all the bags and I just picked a basket and a couple of bags to carry them myself. Regardless of the fact that I was one of the couple of foreigners there and the constant questions from little boys offering to carry my bags, the look of disbelief and amazament that they had, looking at me wading my way through the tight aisles only delimitated by the sacks they put their merchandise on, not complaining, not paying someone to carry my bags. This makes me actually realise how different the West is and how peculiar I seem to them.

The market is a great hall with stalls everywhere around it as well, where you can get any vegetables you dream of, fresh and from the farmers, organically produced and chemical free. You can also get fish and seafood if you know the right merchants, but without a shadow of a doubt, I am in love with the food in Zambia, it is so tasty and reminds me of the farm back home in Romania, when I was little. I also drank Mosi, Zambia's flagship lager and I must admit that it can compete with most of the Belgian and German lagers back home in Europe.

Other than that, we did some DIY, me and Mrs Pramar, assembling some chairs and going to the nearby market looking for some homeware. I am starting to get familiar with the neighbourhood and enjoying every moment. From tomorrow I will be busier as I will start work at the school after the meeting with Rotary, therefore, fun will begin!!

That is all for now, but if you ever want to come to Africa, put Zambia top of the list!! 

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